McClintock High School Class of 1970
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McClintock High School Class of 1970 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 64
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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Applying to grad school in 1973.  A grind...
Posted By: John Hicks
Views: 3127

1987.  Son Neale.  First baby steps into the world.  Mine, I mean, not his.
Posted By: John Hicks
Views: 3105

1974.  Grad school.  I still look 12 years old.
Posted By: John Hicks
Views: 3127

My place on Central Park, near the reservoir, at our 30th.
Posted By: John Hicks
Views: 3120

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